Above $21, the total profit increases $100 for every dollar increase in the stock, though the put expires worthless and the trader loses the full amount of the premium paid, $100 here. As long as the stock price stays above the short put strike price, the trader will gain the full premium paid from the option decay. If the ABC price then falls to Rs 90, you would have made Rs 10 on each option. For example, if an option with a strike price of $40 is trading for $8 when the stock is at $45, the option has a time value of $3, because its intrinsic value is $5. Then, as the Internet actuated exponential growth of both structured and unstructured data, we saw the specialization of databases based on data models (graph databases, key-value stores, document databases, time series…), which were designed to handle specific „shapes“ of data.
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Talking more with Joran, we learned that he was already thinking about applications for TigerBeetle outside of Coil. The x86 instruction set, Linux, the RDBMS, Kubernetes, and dozens of other technologies provided a set of foundational building blocks that enabled a Cambrian explosion of applications that then catalyzed the digital transformation of organizations and entire industries, not to mention our daily lives. There was indeed a great deal of optimism around the financial sector uses cases of the technology for post-trade clearing, settlement, processing, trade finance, and supply chain applications. Can I withdraw my bonus from the Olymp Trade account? 5. Click register button for account registration. If you do not have an account, register with email by clicking the button below. The province is fortunate to have some of the strongest remaining First Nations and Metis communities in Canada. One of the issues is the fact that recording those memories does, for now, entail wearing the Vision Pro in the first place, which is going to be really awkward! Our global presence allows us to trade continuously on more than 200 electronic exchanges and other venues, making us one of the world’s largest market makers. There was one talk in particular that stood out.
There are multiple ways of reaching Olymp Exchange’s client care in India. The net result is that if you have any transactional business application that requires massive throughput while demanding utmost correctness and safety, odds are that TigerBeetle will soon be the database for you. Otherwise, the application would be denied immediately. Business logic for „accounts“ is stored at the application level which could hypothetically be swapped for new application models in the future. The core insight of TigerBeetle is that if we constrain the application domain and bring the primitives of financial accounting closer to the database, we can not only enforce financial consistency in the database, but also optimize performance, fault tolerance, and scale to a crazy degree. And this strange situation leads to increasing legal schizophrenia where in our society, the private sector can effectively ignore the laws as written because the cop on the beat decided to go out for donuts instead. It turns out the fundamentals of double-entry accounting (i.e. debits and credits) apply to any business that deals with transactions (gaming, managing an energy grid, usage-based pricing, etc.). It turns out there’s a lot of extra engineering required to make these generalized technologies work for your business.